Friday, September 28, 2012

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

 We have many people asking where they can go for inexpensive Spanish classes, and the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas is probably the best place to go! The problem is that they aren't easy to get into and up until now the process that you would need to go through to get into one of these classes was completely unknown to us.  But thanks to one of our members who recently went through the process and was lucky enough to get in, we now have this information available! Here is her experience that she was so kind to share with us:

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas
Llano de Zaidía, 19 Valencia
96 340 5022

1. Continually check the web for dates to matriculate for the Prueba de Nivel en Espanol. Stood on the line that was for Matriculating. I looked around and saw that there was a form that needed to be completed. Don't be afraid to ask questions because many of the students are familiar with the process.
2. When I reached the front of the line they asked me for my ID. Gave my info and was given a paper with a bar code.
3. I was to take this form to a bank, pay the 24+ Euros and return to the same person. I went to a bank paid and returned to the chaotic school with 2 copies that I handed to the person in the front in the "Secretaria". The date of the test was given to me. I must report to the 3rd Floor and look for my name which would be posted on one of the doors.
4. The was very orderly. I had to remember the number in front of my name and wrote that each time. All answers were to be written on the answer sheet.
5. First part was grammar...multiple choice. 60 questions. If you were trying for a spot in BASICO then you only had to complete up to a certain number....if you were going for INTERMEDIO...then you must complete up to a certain number ....same for ADVANCED.
6. This portion included a writing segment where you wrote at least 100 words on a topic. The topic (I'm sure it changes) was write about a happy time in your life and you must give details who what when where etc.
7. Listening was next. The audio spoke to questions on one page. It was a bit confusing at first but they gave one minute to scan the questions and the 3 choices for each question. About 5 questions for each segment. This audio was repeated twice which was very helpful. You were also permitted to write on the question page and make notes.
8. The text Comprehension had 3 separate topics and questions. So if you were trying for the BASICO....only needed to complete the first set of questions. If Intermedio...2 topics and questions and if you hoped for Advanced then you must complete all 3.
9. Next day the names and results were posted in the lobby or near the Dept.
10. Now you must look to see how many classes of your Level are being offered. Many experience that there are no spots but I was super lucky. This was easy for me cause there was only one class offered. This info was on the web. Again, asking, and reading postings in the lobby is impt. This part wasn't organized. After finding the posting and listening to others talking I learned that my time was 3pm to meet in the auditorium. Names were called in alphabetical order and you were given a small paper. Now the process repeated....stand on line....receive a sheet with a bar code and pay at the bank.....
IMPORTANT ----must have the bank form,a copy of your ID and a picture. Then go to class.

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